We Know You’re Passionate About Whistleblower Legislation, Why Do You Think That it’s so Important in Today’s Business Climate?

Although the term whistleblower is well known in the business world the new regulations and how companies need to conduct themselves is relatively new. Having spoken about fatigued compliance officers and under-resourced management teams, managing the process can be quite a big undertaking internally if not set up and structured in the right way.

It’s also important to ensure all cases are handled and conducted in the right fashion, in cases that merit a report to be produced you then need the knowledge to not only create a meaningful document outlining the case in question but also then the steps required to act appropriately if required, which usually requires legal counsel.

An example of a typical case may be that after an email or phone line incident has been reported, proof or documentation may be required in the form of photos or emails to support that case, this part can be handled internally or perhaps better conducted externally. The external expert can then provide the details of the case along with supporting evidence to an internal compliance manager or HR team.

The company will then better understand the complaint and what course of action is deemed necessary. The HR department can then decide to solve the issue internally and to take care of the situation or in sensitive cases seek legal advice.

So, if you’re a corporate organisation, outsourcing parts or all of the whistleblower solution may prove to be both cost effective and efficient.

What’s the Number One Piece of Advice You Would Give to Companies Around Compliance?

Get some help! Don’t bang your head against the wall. Seek some advice and get some professional help to enable your team and get the knowledge you need, so that you can operate most effectively.

Before you start creating problems, lay solid foundations. Ask us, we can provide you with some solid advice on how you could manage this new task or challenge.

Partner and work together with an expert and save yourself time, money, and resources. Understand any new regulations and exactly what this means for you. Is there anything that you need to be aware of? Before you get the wrong information and start investing in a new process, sit together and define a strategy.

What Does Life Science Law’s Compliance Support Look Like?

In brief, we can break a very complex process into a simple process. I am very well versed with converting complex processes into easy understandable processes, everyone will understand what is expected whilst creating the environment best suited to a client.

Our support empowers compliance officers and gives them the tools and the platform needed. We bring to the table the know-how and the processes for compliance teams to be able to do their job and be and be more effective. Without them being completely overwhelmed or under-resourced and giving them the tools to be able to be more effective. Here’s an example of our system:

The Compliance Management System:


Embed compliance in the behaviour of the people. It comprises strategies and measures that seek to embed compliance into the organization, and starts with the tone at the top, which must then be cascaded down through the organisation.

  • Code of Conduct – Sets the tone which flows through the company
  • Policies – Clear guidelines to provide the organization with confidence in what they are doing
  • Third Party Due Diligence – Ensuring the ethos of external partners is known
  • Communication – Regular channels of communication which reinforces the ethos
  • Training – Regular training on internal processes aligned with role


Monitor, measure, analyse, evaluate. Controls must be in place to manage identified risks and associated compliance processes.

  • Risk Assessment – To identify areas of risk and evaluate gaps and improvements
  • Monitor – Continual monitoring to ensure adherence to process
  • Audit – Independent audits are an effective tool to uncover gaps
  • Investigate – A consistent and objective and documented investigation process
  • Whistleblower – All organisations must have a channel where concerns can be reported anonymously


Corrective actions and process improvements. Where gaps are identified the process must by fair, consistent and seamless. Cases must be handled proportionately and opportunities for improvement identified and actioned.

  • Case Management – A documented streamlined process to always ensure fairness
  • Objective Actions – Outcomes are uniform and fair
  • Risk mitigation – Putting plans in place to mitigate identified risks
  • Improvements – Implementing strategies to close identified gaps
  • Training – To close an identified knowledge gap

Do you need compliance support on a particular project or interim help while you wait for permanent staff? Get in touch with us so we can advise you on the best solution.