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Contract Management

Streamlining Your Contract Management System with Robust Templates, Processes and Technology

Streamlining your contract management system with robust templates, processes and technology without the need to seek legal support on every occasion makes business sense and will ensure your legal team is not over-burdened with unnecessary tasks.

Life Science Law can provide you with a suite of standard templates, with instructions and training on how the business should populate these.

Contract Management Process

We can also support you in devising a contract management process which ensures contracts are drafted, finalised, signed and stored in a seamless and compliant way.

What are the 3 Stages of Contract Management?


At LS Law, we specialise in providing thorough legal support during the pre-contract phase. Our team assess client’ needs, identify risks, and offer strategic advice to optimise the relationship, and protect their interests with pragmatic support in agreeing heads of terms and negotiation tactics to ensure a win-win. With our proactive approach, clients can proceed confidently, knowing their legal interests are safeguarded.


Contract Execution

Our experienced team will ensure all necessary steps are taken to ensure the agreed terms are embedded into a written agreement, with user friendly language e and ensuring the regulatory context of the life science industry is adequately taken into account. . We guide clients through the process, from preparing and supporting negotiations, drafting and reviewing contracts, overseeing the signing and delivery of executed contracts. With our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to efficiency, clients can trust us to manage the contracting process smoothly and professionally.



Our commitment extends beyond contract execution into the post-contract phase. We offer holistic support, ensuring ongoing compliance and resolution of disputes if they arise. 

Our experienced team provide guidance on performance, monitor obligations, and offers strategic advice on conflict management. We strive to assist clients in navigating post-contract complexities seamlessly, safeguarding their interests for successful outcomes.

Book a call

Contact Life Science Law today to discuss how we can help you navigate contract management.

We are ready to  discuss your challenges and would be delighted to help you identify an optimal solution, and a practical course of action to get you there.