2. Considering Cultural Fit

Finding a good cultural fit is often a big part of the puzzle. Cultural fit is about having employees whose beliefs , values and behaviours are in alignment with those of the employer. This can have its complexities but essentially by getting to know the client and the consultant we are working with we can quickly decipher if it will be a harmonious pairing. 

3. Qualifying Industry Experience

We find that many businesses need an experienced legal partner to provide the right resource, that have worked in the industry and understand the business priorities and challenges and can immediately identify and pinpoint the specialist expertise needed and where to find it fast.

Someone who manages and streamlines finding the right calibre of lawyer, who has the right level of experience and outlook and will seamlessly slot into the team.

4. Continuous Communication

Regular communication can’t be overlooked as an important part of the candidate matching process. Many of our clients need a resource who walks with them along the journey and doesn’t disappear when the resource is put in post. We remain in regular contact with our clients and the consultant throughout the assignment, listening to, and giving feedback to both sides to ensure the service meets expectations and going to work remains enjoyable and productive for both the client and the consultant. 

5. Ensuring Industry Expertise

Finally, expertise is of course an important factor. The legal landscape can be challenging, therefore choosing a consultant who has experience in the right field and is an expert in their  craft helps provide peace of mind for the businesses we work with.

There is no doubt that skills and experience are an important consideration for any new consultant role. However personality, too, has a role to play. Companies that are able to deeply define their culture and understand the needs of their team are better placed to find a consultant that will fit the bill. 

As a bespoke service provider, LS Law provides peace of mind for life science businesses by tailoring the support we provide. We focus on the specific needs of the client and match them with one of our legal experts to ensure their legal landscape is completely known. We have experts at every level of the legal ladder, from high-level solicitors with 20 yrs of experience to junior legal advisors, and paralegals, all ready and waiting to help. Contact us for more information.